Monday, November 30, 2009

Remove Invasive Species and Get a Christmas Tree too!

from KcWildlands through Bridging the Gap:


CONTACT: Linda Lehrbaum816-561-1061, ext. 116 or 816-806-6801 (day of event)

LEES SUMMIT, MISSOURI--Kansas City WildLands (KCWL) is inviting the public to saw down a native Eastern Red Cedar Tree for Christmas during a conservation workday at Blue Springs Lake in Fleming Park, between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM on Saturday, December 5. Pre-cut trees will be available for those who want them, and volunteers will be on site to help visitors cut and load trees. Hot cider and a warm fire at the site will help visitors make a fun day of it. A donation of $10 per tree is suggested; proceeds will benefit future conservation efforts around the metro area.

The KCWL Cedar Event, held last year at Shawnee Mission Park in Johnson County, is designed to remove Eastern Red Cedar Trees, a species considered invasive in open native natural areas like prairies and grasslands. In time, the cedars' sheer numbers and the effects of their shading eliminate sun-loving native flora. In the past, naturally occurring prairie wildfires kept this species in check, but modern fire suppression practices have allowed the cedars to spread. Removal of Eastern Red Cedar trees is part of a conservation effort at this site.

Fleming Park is owned and managed by the Jackson County Park and Recreation District, which is a charter member of Kansas City WildLands, a conservation coalition initiated in 2001. For more information on the Kansas City WildLands Native Christmas Tree Event, including a map to the Cedar Tree Event site, visit the KCWL website, , or contact Linda Lehrbaum, KCWL Program Manager at or 816-561-1061, ext. 116 before Saturday.

Kansas City WildLands, an affiliate of Bridging The Gap, is a coalition of resource professionals, conservation-minded organizations and academic institutions dedicated to the restoration and conservation of remnant natural communities in the greater Kansas City area.

Don't transport tree-killing species!

Please see this release from the Missouri Department of Conservation regarding the transportation of tree-killing species on and in firewood:

The killing of trees by invasive species is a horrific thing. Parts of the Colorado Rockies and Applachia are devestated from similar tree eating insects. Help keep Missouri and Kansas beautiful while maintianing native habitats!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Deer In Road

Kansas deer-vehicle collisions peak in November
PRATT — In Kansas, deer-vehicle accidents are common in November. Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) statistics show that November is the month when the highest number of deer-vehicle collisions occur. Motorists are encouraged to be on particularly high alert in the weeks before and after mid-November, historically when most deer-vehicle collisions occur.

One of the main reasons there is a greater potential for deer-vehicle accidents in November is the deer mating season. Deer are particularly active in the fall, with the peak mating season, called "rut," occurring in mid-November. In addition, deer tend to widen their forage range as they build up fat reserves for the winter. They often move from one forage range to another during the early winter, exposing themselves on highways. A reduction in daylight hours results in more people driving at dawn and dusk, when deer are more likely to be on the move.

In 2008, 9,371 deer-vehicle collisions were reported to the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), slightly lower than 2007 and close to the relatively stable 10-year average. Deer-vehicle collisions occurred in every Kansas county. In most cases, counties with the highest populations recorded the most deer-vehicle accidents. Sedgwick County had the most accidents with 417, followed by Johnson County with 362 and Butler County with 285. More details, including a map showing all accidents and deer accidents by county, may be found at the KDOT website,

Motorists should observe the following tips to avoid deer collisions:

  • be especially watchful at dawn and dusk when deer are particularly active;
  • deer seldom travel alone, so if one deer crosses a road, there may be others following;
  • reduce speed and be alert near wooded areas or green spaces such as parks or golf courses and near water sources such as streams or ponds;
  • don’t swerve to avoid a collision with a deer because the most serious accidents occur when motorists are taking evasive action;
  • heed deer crossing sign warnings and always wear a seat belt; and
  • use bright lights and slow down whenever the reflective eyes of deer are spotted.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shawnee Mission Park & Dead deer

During phase one of the shawnee mission park deer cull, 313 animals were shot and are now being tested to see whether or not their venison is good for donation purposes (that it does not contain harmful diseases). read more from Channel 9:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

UMKC Student Survery

Earlier this week I conducted a short survey outside of Royal Hall to gauge where people were on the issue of Wildlife. I asked them 3 short questions which include:
1)Are you concerned with wildlife Conservation?
2)Can you name one endangered species in Mo. or Ks.?
3)Are animals awesome?
Results: 1)=70%/ 2)=15%/ 3)=100%
With these results you can assume that the vast majority of people care for animals. You can also assume that not a lot of people are well educated on wildlife conservation.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Shawnee Mission Park and Deer

Below is the official information regarding the deer in Shawnee Mission Park, courtesy of Johnson County Parks and Recreation: